Thresholds of Touch: A Short Performative Experiment in Tactile Exploration

Thresholds of Touch is an interactive performance experiment that combines poetic, personal accounts of touch experiences, new materials, electronic sound, bodily interaction and digital technologies to create an explorative and playful, interactive space for visitors to experience and reflect on what touch interaction is and might come to be.


Through this range of artistic propositions, you will be challenged to experience and explore the politics and aesthetics of human, and non-human touch. The performance-experiment is followed by an exploratory dialogue that extends the themes of the performance to generate accounts and stories of touch and interrogate our tactile imaginations of touch communication.

Date and time:
24th January 2023
10:30 AM — 12:00 PM

Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts
Zijsenplein 1

To attend, send an email to Marloeke van der Vlugt: