link: Street Values Project Page
research question: “What are the implications of processes of ‘heritage making’ having gone from exclusive and expert-led towards inclusive, connected to on-the-ground players and reflecting values of local communities, especially for the place of expert knowledge and the content of academic curriculums?”
Following a Design Research Methodology and using a sustainist lens, in 2015-2016 we looked at ‘heritage’ as a future-focused and value-imbued design process. The starting point was how communities nowadays are forming their own agendas with regard to the future of their physical environments, which may include, or lead to, heritage values. In several multidisciplinary, on-site and design-oriented labs/workshops, we scrutinized contemporary practices of placemaking, ‘commons’, and co-creative governance. We found valuable indicators for the importance of considering heritage sites and issues as platforms, with a particular role for dramaturgies. In a second iteration (2017-2018) we engage with several localized issues (cases, situations) where place/locus, community/people and program/value have variously been defined.
partners: Gordion Cultureel Advies, SustainismLab
link: LGBT heritage project page
Queering the Collections is an ongoing networkgroup focused on the importance of preserving and presenting queer history and culture. As many archives and museums strive to become more inclusive institutions with greater relevance for diverse audiences, staff and visitors are encountering new challenges as well as opportunities. Building on similar efforts in the UK and USA, this Netherlands-based project unites people working in museums, archives, libraries, galleries, community organizations, and universities, in a joint effort to collect material culture and oral histories documenting queer life past and present, and to present these collections in partnerships with the public.
partners: The Amsterdam Museum, COMCOL