#toolkit, #collectivity, #openness, #access, #authorship
How can we stop “evil people” from using my Free/Libre Open Source Software (F/LOSS)? Can open licenses be used for techno-legal political and ethical demands? How do systems of openness* perform differently for different agents? (F/LOSS, Open Access publishing) How can authorship be rethought and experimented with in artistic practices?
Not for Any is a toolkit for exercising collective conditions for openness, access and authorship. Through this toolkit we propose to (re)turn (to) the politics of open licenses. With it, we create space for collective engagement with open licenses from a (techno)feminist perspective in a playful and embodied way.
The toolkit includes a series of exercises to do this with. The exercises are an invitation to unfold context specific understandings of open licenses and explore situated formats and imaginaries of openness, access and authorship. While staying close to the presence of our different bodies, different priviledges and different conditions, the exercises will hopefully make space for intensified engagements with the subject.