
Ben Kröse (HvA)

Saskia Robben (HvA)

Ahmed Nait-Aicha (HvA)

Aukje de Vrijer (HvA)

Monique Schaule-Jullens (HvA)

link: BRAVO Project Page
research question: “How can technologies for movement registration, which have proven themselves in a controlled environment, be deployed in the living environment and in the hospital, for the purpose of assessing the fall risk in the elderly?”


Falling is the most common cause of injury from an accident in the elderly. In the Netherlands, every 5 minutes an elderly person falls to such an extent that treatment at the Emergency Department is necessary. Assessing the risk of falling is important for timely and targeted intervention to prevent falls. In the BRAVO project, new knowledge is developed together with small and medium- sized companies about technology to be able to estimate fall risk in realistic environments and the acceptance of such technology. The knowledge gained will be used by the participating SMEs in new products and services. The research will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team consisting of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Domain Digital Media and Creative Industry and Domain Health), the Vrije Universiteit (Human Movement Sciences), the AMC (Geriatrics), healthcare providers Cordaan and Amsta and the participating SMEs.
partners: Research group on Exercise Therapy, Lectorate Physiotherapy – HvA, Faculty of Health, Geriatrics Section – VU University Amsterdam, Department of Human Movement Sciences, Cinnovate Eagle Vision Systems bv. Digifit, Motek Medical, Brevidius, 17Rabbits, Firefly, Vicar Vision, Maastricht Instruments, Vahlkamp International, Amsta, Cordaan, SafetyNL, Vilans

