Slow AI Material Playgrounds

Slow AI Material Playgrounds


Looking back 


In September 2024, the Slow AI project launched a series of material-based research workshops that took the form of the Material Playground (Rietvled 2019).


These workshops aim to collectively explore different ways of engaging with AI through material investigations that allow for playful exploration and experimentation.


Throughout 2024, four Material Playgrounds were organized, hosted by artists/researchers Janine Armin and Mariana Fernandez Mora, Dorin Budușan and Sofia Fernandez Blanco, Elki Boerdam, and Mariana Lanari and Nell Donkers.


The final Material Playground, led by artist Angelo Custódio, is scheduled for March 2025.


Insights from the workshops will be featured in the Slow AI publication designed by Alix Stria and Katharina Shafiei-Nasab from studio SMS.


The publication, along with a podcast showcasing the project’s work, will be presented together with a symposium in April.



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